Friday, June 19, 2015


Success is a pretty heavy word that often crosses all of our minds and rolls out of all of our tongues. I know that I think of the word success all of the time and how I'm gonna reach it and what I need to do to reach it. I often ask myself what I need to do to become successful and most importantly, what exactly is "success" to me. The word "success" is so heavy because it has a different meaning to everyone and everyone has to take different paths to reach their definition of success. Keep this in mind whenever you're on your way toward your definition of success, whatever it may be. Never make the mistake of comparing your success to somebody else's because it's toxic and can hold you back from reaching your fullest potential. Be your own person and understand that everyone has their own path, their own journey. Pump envy and hatred out of your heart, blood, and veins. When you're really at peace with yourself and really understand what "success" means to you, then you'll reach it, at your own pace. Going at your own flow and not comparing yourself to others will ultimately get you where you want to be, it's the recipe to success. Rather than constantly comparing yourself to others and bringing others down, work on yourself every single day. Take a step toward your definition of success every single day. Become a better person than the person whom you were yesterday. And while you're on your journey to success, cherish all of the memories in which you've created and celebrate the person that you've become. Forgive yourself and others for mistakes that all human beings make. Enjoy life while you're on your journey and keep a light and positive heart. You will succeed.

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