Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Maybe, just maybe, I was made for you and maybe you were made for me. We were made for eachother, you and I. I know for sure that you tumbling into my life and into my heart wasn't just by chance- everything felt so right and flowed so beautifully and smoothly- something I've never experienced before. Something that I only knew to exist in books and movies and poems. I fell in love with you the minute I first laid my eyes on you, the minute you made my heart skip a beat and made me feel invincible. I fell in love with you the moment YOU made time freeze and made ME feel superior. The way you laughed was music to my ears, the way you'd arch your neck back when you'd tell a joke and the way your eyes would shine with passion when you'd tell a story. I fell in love with your touch, with your kiss, and most importantly your presence. I fell in love with you. And I felt as though I'd known you all of my life. I felt as though the emptiness that I'd been searching for for so many years got filled up by your being. I didn't feel empty anymore. I felt whole and I thought that maybe, I was waiting for you all along. Maybe my heart knew your heart long before our bodies physically met and maybe, just maybe, you were made for me, and I for you. 

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