Monday, June 22, 2015


You know, when you're growing up and your heart is full of love, full of innocence. You run through life, full of joy and laughter until you "grow up" and reality hits you, causing you to dishearten little by little. You start to experience the cruelties that life has to offer; you start to face reality. Nothing feels sturdy anymore; you question everything you've ever been taught and dig and dig and dig in hopes of revealing, discovering who you truly are and what your purpose on earth is. Why do I exist? You start to wonder and are left absolutely clueless. The people which meant the most to you betray and abandon you, leaving you helpless with no answers. With them, they take a piece of your heart. Soon enough, you are left heartless and cold. Those the closest to you tell you that you're not going to succeed, that you're going to be a failure, and you start believing it. Nothing feels or looks in place, organized. Everything is out of place and you're left hanging, not knowing what to do, just alone with your thoughts and your reality. 

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