Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dissolving smoke

At once, you entered my life like an earthquake. Never before had my world shaken so vigorously regarding someone elses presence. I felt the thunder in my heart; I enhaled you in slowly, but fell for you so suddenly. Never before had I cared so truly for one person until you stepped foot into my little world. You managed to sweep me off of my feet like a rose, petal by petal. With each passing day, my heart grew fond of you. My eyes were constantly seeking your presence and yours only. Never before had I felt this energizing effect, it paralyzed me to my bones. I didn't know what to do, it was too much. You entered my world so slow yet so fast, but you left even faster like dissolving smoke-poof you were gone and left me with nothing but painful torturing memories that will remain engraved in my now cold heart until the day that I meet my grave. Your sudden withdraw only left me numb and remorseful. I felt you drifting away, but all I could do was watch you leave, watch you dissolve like smoke before you were gone for good.

Monday, December 1, 2014

I realize

I look around me and everything feels as though it's crumbling. The ground beneath my feet that I have stood on for so long doesn't feel as sturdy anymore, but shaky and unsafe. Faces that I trusted for so long turned their backs on me to reveal their true colors. I feel alone; me, myself, and I. I look around and see nothing but darkness. I have to make some big choices about things i've never even thought of before. The promised light at the end of every journey suddenly doesn't seem as bright and promising any longer, but gloomy and dim. I wish to follow my heart even though I can't understand whether or not it's whisperings are trustworthy. I want to take leaps, but I am scared of failure. I am afraid of taking the leap, but drowning in despair. I am frightened of morphing into something that I promised everyone, including myself, that i'd never become. The thought of not succeeding and ultimately proving everyone wrong terrifies me, deep down to my trembling core. My mind doesn't rest at night, it is simply flooded with thoughts, keeping my heavy eyes strained open. I hear the devils whispers in my ears and sometimes I want to believe him. Sometimes, I feel tempted to abandon all that i've ever known and all that I thrive to be, but I realize that i'm stronger. I realize that the gloomy light at the end of the tunnel does indeed shine brighter and that the more I grow as an individual, the more that I learn. I realize that every choice that I make will help shape me into the individual that i'm meant to be and show me who's really worthy of staying in my life. I realize that I am blessed that God put me through all of this bullshit so that I could find out what and who really matters. The world isn't such a dark place after all. I realize that not every painting starts beautifully, but transforms, with time and hard work, into a masterpiece. I realize that scars, bruises, and darkness allow us to appreciate the love, smiles, and gentleness. The world has to be harsh so that she can prepare us for the darkness that we're meant to face down the road, so I thank her for allowing me to open my eyes and to realize that things aren't so bad, after all. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Bleeding heart

I feel the pain, deep down within my bones. My chest feels numb, my thoughts unclear. A fog has formed in my brain, paralyzing my ability to think straight. A dark shadow has settled comfortably underneath my skin and has made itself at home. I bite my lower lip, it exaperates at first until the pain is no more. I feel empty, my heart aching. The sound of your laughter echoes in my ears , louder and louder. I try so hard to mute it, but I can't. Everywhere I turn, you're present. My heart bleeds, a feel of emptiness forms within me with each passing day away from you. My body yearns your presence, it screams out for you. It needs you more than the dark nights need the moon and more than the earth needs the sun. My days are everlasting for sleep has escaped me. I stay up screaming at the stars for you, hoping that a shooting star will hear my wish and return you to me. Dreams of you haunt me, causing me to awaken, drenched in sweat. Though you're physically no longer, I am gone as much as you are; I am nothing but a walking corpse. With you, you dragged my soul along. You sucked the life out of me; slowly, yet painfully. And even though you didn't intend on leaving this cold world, I am angry at you. My heart continues to bleed; everyday, I suffer. Everyday, my body aches deep down to my bones. Everyday, my restless eyes search for you. Everyday, your laughter rings in my ears....everyday, a hole grows within me, deeper and deeper as I feel helpless and finally start accepting that you're no more, no matter how much I cry out for you.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Enjoy the ride

The world is so chaotic, always noisy and fast paced. As humans, we can't help but to get caught up in this fast paced lifestyle. We're constantly on our toes, rushed to get things done. Sometimes, we get so caught up to the point where we forget what truly matters. We're so focused on shaping our future to the point where we forget to live in the present, where we forget to cherish what we have at this very moment. Everything around you is a gift: your family, friends, house, and whatever you may acquire. It should be our goal as individuals to cherish today; cherish right now. Live in the moment because the future in which you are preparing for may never arrive. Take advantage of every oppurtunity that is thrown at you and leap into everything whole heartedly and passionately. Love the people around you because there is no promise that they're going to remain by your side forever, appreciate them and forgive often. Everything in life comes to an end and unfortunately, many of us realize this when we are grieving over a loved one or when something is taken away from us. We realize the worth of something or someone once it's gone. Close your eyes and think about all of the reasons that you have to be happy, think of all of the reasons about why you look forward to waking up the very next day. Make every moment and everyday count as much as you can. Spread love and positivity, nothing is ever promised and this very moment that you have will never come again. Life is nothing but a collage of passing moments and many people realize this once it's too late. You have the power of morphing your life the way that you want, make it count and don't let anyone stop you. Slow down and enjoy the ride rather than trying to rush through it. Life is not a race, but a gift and a blessing that passes as rapidly as the blink of an eye...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


When I first saw her, I didn't even notice her. She was just another ordinary girl. Plus, I was too caught up in my studies to worry about a girl. But then, something incredible happened. One random day, I noticed her dimpled smile, it lit the entire room up. It was magnetic, like christmas lights. I felt as though her smile put the sun to shame. Not only did her smile catch my attention, but the way her eyes twinkled as well. She was genuinely happy and it was contagious. Soon enough, I caught myself randomly smiling...at everything. The more time I spent with her, the more her smile added color to my once black and white life. But not only her smile, I was falling in love with her as a person. The way her hair fell so perfectly on her tiny shoulders. The way she giggled with her nose scrunched up. The way she drank her coffee. The way she wrote, her wrist moving a certain way. I caught myself falling in love, not with her, but her soul, her character; I caught myself falling in love with everything about her that you had to dig deep to see. She was magnetic. She was gentle. She became my mornings and my nights. She was present in all of my dreams. I craved her more and more with each passing day. My heart expanded as my love blossomed for her like roses during spring. I couldn't imagine a life without her; I let her in on my deepest and my darkest secrets. I was completely naked, I exposed all of my ugly sides to her as well as all of my weaknesses. I trusted her and soon enough, I realized that she was everything that I ever wanted and it scared me..
One cold morning, I woke up with a twisted feeling in my stomach. A knot. I felt uncomfortable. I stepped outside and glared at the gray, swollen clouds above me. They looked as though they were about to explode and cry. I felt even more sick. I rushed to her. I had to see her. I arrived at her house; her mother opened the door, her face expressionless. She looked like a still corpse, the life drained out of her.
I soon found out that the girl with the smile, the one who added color to my life,was no more. A car accident had taken her away from me. 
I dropped to the floor and cried out with so much pain that i've never felt before. And even though I got back up, My heart remained on that very floor I had dropped on. My search for that smile was endless and will remain endless for it is simply irreplaceable. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I am lost

I gaze around, everything feels unfamiliar. I am lost. This world that i've known for twenty years feels foreign, distant. Where am I? Who am I? What am I? I feel like a stranger in my own skin. In the blink of an eye, i've lost touch with who i've become. My feet are nailed to the floor beneath me, but the world doesn't stop. Everyone seems to be drifting past me, fast forward. I can't keep up. I am lost. Where did all my friends go, the people who said they'd always be there? Where did all my dreams, and my goals go? I look around me and I see hatred, envy, broken hearts, and people hurting one another. I try to shut my eyes to all of it, but cannot manage to escape reality. It's all around me. Enclosing in on me. For a second, I feel suffocated, as if I can't breathe. I don't belong here. I am lost. I catch myself doing things I vowed to never do. I catch myself making the same mistakes. My goals seems to be becoming more distant with every heartbeat of mine. I try to grasp onto them, but they slip past my fingers. I am lost. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014


His lips reminded me of tulips, soft and delicate. They were the most beautiful set of lips i'd ever laid my eyes on for he posessed them. I craved his lips, the softness, the way they gently brushed against my skin like a paintbrush, my body a canvas. A canvas waiting for him to paint. A canvas that had his name written all over it as his and only his. A canvas who craved his candy lips. His smile. His presence. His warm breath lingered on my neck long after he leaves. And the scent of his skin dances in my nostrils during the long, dreary nights in which he is absent. My heart and my soul yearn for him. My hands wish to caress him, to love him. To love his lips, his soft lips for which I shall await an eternity for.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


I love you so dearly. I love you so truly. Every breath of mine is taken for you. You're my days and my nights. The thought of you dances in my head all day. The taste of your skin present in my lips. I crave your touch, I feel it when I close my eyes. Your presence is everywhere, from the clouds to the trees. The sound of your voice rings in my ears like a sweet, never ending melody. Your laughter echoes in my heart during my lonely nights. You are everything. You are the sun and you are the moon. You are lightness and you are darkness. I love you. I love every inch of you. I love you to the core- deep down to your bones. I gave you my all, but you neglected me. I let you in on my deepest, darkest secrets, but you walked away, leaving me stranded and lost. You crushed my soul and drained the life out of me- I am nothing but a walking corpse without you. You tore my heart up, yet I still yearn you. I cry out for you every night. My whole being cries out for you. I am lost without you. I want you. I need you. I love you.

Monday, May 26, 2014

5 ways toward a happy and healthy lifestyle

Summer is right around the corner which leaves the majority of us thinking about long nights, bonfires,tanning, laying on the beach, and of course, achieving that perfect summer body! Summer calls for happiness and spending time with family and friends. Here are five ways to maintain healthy and happy while achieving that perfect body! 
1. Drink plenty of water
I know this is over said, but I cannot stress this enough! Eighty percent of the human body is made up of water, it's what keeps your blood flowing and your organs healthy. Water keeps you hydrated and leaves your skin glowing! Drink a glass of water before every meal, for it will keep you full, preventing you from over eating. Water is CRUCIAL!
Happiness is a choice and plays a big role in the way your day-or even life- unfolds. Surround yourself with positive people! Wake up every morning and tell yourself that it's going to be a good day, then, use your energy to achieve something great! Spread happiness as well! There is no better remedy than happiness and laughter. 
3. AVOID SUGAR and junk food
Sugar is addicting!!! It's like a drug. The more you stuff your body with sugars and salts, the more you crave it. Junk food is bad for your body and is what's known as "empty calories," meaning you're gaining extra calories from foods with very little to no nutritious benefits. Every time you eat, ask yourself "how is this going to benefit my body?" Eating healthy will increase your happiness and make you feel better overall, with some cheat days here and there.
4. Meal prep 
Many people complain that eating healthy is a hassle and very time consuming. Sure, it is, but it's beneficial and worth it! If you just don't have the time, MEAL PREP! Take one day of the week to do so. For example, use sunday's to meal prep. Bake chicken, fish, and steam some veggies! Next, store them in the refrigerator for the week! This way, you'll have no excuses. If you can't meal prep, there are always alternative choices such as a quick turkey sandwhich or a salad. 
5. Exercise!
Eighty percent of abs are made in the kitchen, and the other ten is based on exercise. Exercise is crucial to your overall health, and help major organs such as your heart! Exercising up to three days a week will do the trick and keep you healthy for life! 

Good luck and have an amazing, healthy journey!