Saturday, November 15, 2014

Enjoy the ride

The world is so chaotic, always noisy and fast paced. As humans, we can't help but to get caught up in this fast paced lifestyle. We're constantly on our toes, rushed to get things done. Sometimes, we get so caught up to the point where we forget what truly matters. We're so focused on shaping our future to the point where we forget to live in the present, where we forget to cherish what we have at this very moment. Everything around you is a gift: your family, friends, house, and whatever you may acquire. It should be our goal as individuals to cherish today; cherish right now. Live in the moment because the future in which you are preparing for may never arrive. Take advantage of every oppurtunity that is thrown at you and leap into everything whole heartedly and passionately. Love the people around you because there is no promise that they're going to remain by your side forever, appreciate them and forgive often. Everything in life comes to an end and unfortunately, many of us realize this when we are grieving over a loved one or when something is taken away from us. We realize the worth of something or someone once it's gone. Close your eyes and think about all of the reasons that you have to be happy, think of all of the reasons about why you look forward to waking up the very next day. Make every moment and everyday count as much as you can. Spread love and positivity, nothing is ever promised and this very moment that you have will never come again. Life is nothing but a collage of passing moments and many people realize this once it's too late. You have the power of morphing your life the way that you want, make it count and don't let anyone stop you. Slow down and enjoy the ride rather than trying to rush through it. Life is not a race, but a gift and a blessing that passes as rapidly as the blink of an eye...

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