Friday, January 29, 2016


Mother. Mother. Mother. The word "mother" is such a precious term and holds a unique meaning in each and every one of our hearts. 
My mother is probably one of the best things that I'll ever, ever know. Ever. My mother is the most caring, loving, and selfless person; yet, I yell at her. I tell her to shut up, and I roll my eyes at her, not realizing how much my actions cause her heartache. 
My mother stays up all night with me when I'm sick and sacrifices her bed for me. 
My mother makes me food when I'm hungry and forces me to drink fresh smoothies made out of vegetables and fruit. 
My mother makes sure that I'm happy and have everything that I need. 
Yet, I tell her that she talks too much and yell that she never lets me do anything. Yet, I mimic her and yell back at her when she's angry. 
Yet, I throw a fit when she asks me to wash the dishes. And I know it breaks her heart. 

My mother is an Angel, an angel who sacrifices EVERYTHING for my siblings and I. Our happiness is literally hers. 
Oh mother, I love you so much. I wish I could be half of the woman in which you are today mother. 
No words could ever express my appreciation toward you mother. 
No action of mine could ever repay all of the heartache, hardships, and sacrifices you've been through because of me. 

Oh mother, I wish I could go back and bite my tongue when speaking to you. oh mother, I wish I could go back in time and obey every one of your commands because even then, it wouldn't be enough. 
Giving you the entire world wouldn't be enough, mother. 
I notice your hairs greying mother. And that you're developing fine lines mother. I realize that you're growing older as i'm blossoming into a young adult,mother.

For a second, I panic. I panic because I want you by my side forever mother; I never want to lose you. I panic because I'd be lost without you. I panic because I want to give you everything that you deserve and more, mother. 
I panic because I love you, mother. 
And I panic because if I could, I would choose to grow old before you, mother. Or with you. But, certainly not after you. 
My mother is the best thing that I'll ever, ever know. And I bet yours is too. 

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