Wednesday, October 2, 2013

WHY nice guys finish last

The alarm goes off, causing Bernie to shake right out of his sleep. He tosses and turns and finally manages to drag himself out of bed. He stretches his arms and determines whether to attend class or not when suddenly, the lovely Anna Lisa crosses his mind; her sweet laugh and her colgate smile. He picks out his nicest blouse along with a pair of trousers and rushes off to class. He looks around and his heart drops at the sight of Anna lisa with her lips locked with bad boy Jimmy Nicholai. Bernie isn't able to wrap his head around this fact because Jimmy has been nothing but a jerk to Anna lisa. He shrugs his shoulders and thinks "well I guess nice guys finish last." We've all heard of this terminology before and often times men are left feeling shattered and wondering why things are the way they are. Why do girls chase guys who seem to carry nothing but knives that hurt them and avoid guys who pamper them? Well, there are plenty of reasons!
Think about it, as with everything in life, if something is easily handed to you than you'll never understand its worth or value. What i'm trying to say is that some "nice guys" just easily hand themselves to a girl and make her feel like she's some kind of royalty when she's really not. A lot of girls are immature when it comes to dating and use men who they "already have" when it's most convenient for them just because these men make it that easy and are willing to do whatever to win their heart. Girls too, are easily turned off by men who come tooo easy. We want to feel special and be with a man who NOT ANY GIRL CAN JUST HAVE. It shows that she managed to win Prince Charming over and it wasn't easy. 
2. Women expect men to have a backbone 
As women, we expect our men to have a backbone of their own. One concept men do not understand is that it's okay to be nice,sweet and loving;women like it but don't like push overs, kiss asses, or someone who doesn't have a mind of their own. Do not be that man who agrees to everything your crush says, remember that everyone has their own differences and that differences bring people closer together. Let the woman you're with know you in and out and do not be afraid to disagree with her or to get your point across. A woman likes it when a man can think for himself and has a high self esteem. So go ahead and be nice but don't be fake and don't overdo it! 
There's a difference between being nice and being desperate so learn it! Do not be that man who's always available and has nothing else going on for him. Women are attracted to passion and ambition because this shows that the man is a hard worker and will have a bright future. Don't talk to a woman simply because you're in love with the thought of being in love. In other words, do not try to rush into a relationship and drag her in. Let the woman know you're interested but do not continuously bring it up over and over because she'll feel like she's being pressured into something and wont have time to think which is a MAJOR turn off. The same goes for compliments, they're okay every once in a while but only compliment the woman if you genuinely mean it not just because. Too many compliments will make it seem like you don't really mean them and won't make the woman feel special because she'll be expecting it already. 
4. Make her know that you really like her ONLY
Don't be that man who talks to so many women for the sake of just being in a relationship. No woman wants to be with a man who would just get with anyone! Make her feel special and give her a little chase. Basically, don't over kill it and make her feel like you just want to be with her simply to be in a relationship. 
5. Just be yourself and don't over think it
Take a deep breath and don't over think it! If a man really likes a woman he'll automatically be nice to her and things will occur naturally. Occasional surprises are nice but don't try too hard because that's when things are bound to go wrong. The bottom line is just be yourself and do what you think is right but time is essential so don't do things in a rush! 

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