Saturday, July 25, 2015


There was something different about her..she wasn't as lively, as full of joy as she'd always been. She wasn't as loud, as cheerful. She didn't swoon everyone like she used to. Her smile was almost nonexistent, half and forced. Her eyes were puffy and distant, they had no life in them. Her head hung low. I missed her. The old her. I missed the loud, happy, carefree her and it made me sad. It actually broke my heart because she was the one person who I never ever wanted to see change. Her smile had the ability of lighting an entire room up and her laugh made your heart sing and fill up with joy. Her eyes were full of life, full of mysteries and her lips were always curved upward. She always had this ryhtm to her- this positivity and no one could deny it. She was someone that everyone renembered- that everyone loved, but did she love herself? Or maybe, perhaps, she let a silly thief break her heart and suck the life out of her? Maybe she forgot to love herself because of a few flaws? Maybe she lost herself whilst loving someone else? No matter the case, I want her back. I miss her. I want her smile back. My soul aches to hear her laugh, to see her dance. There is something different about her, a little too different.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


We often times ponder over the things that don't really matter in life. Such as what tomorrow is going to hold or how much money you're going to be making or what people think about you. In all honesty, sure, some of these thoughts may hold some value, but only minor. In reality, tomorrow is nonexistent when you're living in the moment; today is all you have. How much money you make and how many people are in your favor should be the least of your worries because to the people who really and truly love you, they are. To the people who really love you, deeply, their main concern is your happiness and your health. And that should be your main concern as well. Thrive to be happy. Thrive to be healthy. And the rest will slowly fall into place. Do what you love because doing what you love will bring you all kinds of joy that you maybe perceived as nonexistent. Enjoy the smaller things in life and don't sweat to much over what is not in your control at the moment. Love deeply for there is no greater reward in this life than loving deeply. Whole heartedly. Love everything you do. And you will feel the love, the joy in your heart and soul. Create inner peace and live as though it's a treasure because it truly is and despite your hardships- you're blessed. We're all blessed. Remember this when you're feeling blue. Remember this when you're losing hope. Look into your heart and ask yourself what truly matters on this earth- only you can decide.