Saturday, October 24, 2015

Make up for dry skin

So, you're at a party, feeling confident while greeting everyone, and decide you want to go to the bathroom to check up on how your make up is doing. You look into the mirror and find someone staring you, someone with dry, chalky patches on her face. And you freak out. How could my make up look so dry?! You wonder. You spent a notorious amount of time priming, moisturizing, AND exfoliating, yet your skin is still dry and patchy. WHY? 
I've had this problem for years. Ever since I started wearing foundation. I struggled with dry, dry skin that would leave every foundation that I applied looking chalky, patchy, and cracked. I would always feel devastated, blame the foundation, and switch to a different one...until I realized that, rather than complaining, it was time to take action to solve my problem. Here are some steps that you can take to achieve a beautiful, dewy finish despite the fact that you have dry skin.

I know you hear this ALL of the time, but it's just so true. You can't expect your skin to look fresh and hydrating if you're not sufficiently hydrated on the inside. Your body is made up of an estimated 70-80% of water, so it is crucial for healthy, radiant skin. What you put into your body definitely reflects your overall appearance.

Exfoliate. Exfoliate. Exfoliate. Once a week. This literally changed my life. When you exfoliate, you're getting rid of old skin skills and imperfections while allowing fresh skin cells to resurface on your body. Overtime, this habit will even your skin tone out and erase acne scars, hyperpigmentation, etc. it will also give you a smoother look, getting rid of the dry, patchiness appearance.

Moisturizing is an essential step when it comes to achieving a dewy, radiant look. Keep your new skin cells moist and hydrated. Moisturize every morning before applying your foundation as well as every night before going to sleep. I use the Sephora intensifying moisturizer and its done wonders for my skin. 

4. Use a setting spray before and after applying foundation.
My make up routine consists of waking up and washing my face with my cetaphil facewash and then applying a generous amount of moisturizer on. I wait around for a while, allowing my moisturizer to dry and set on my skin before spraying on my make up forever, mist and fix,spray on. Allow the spray to dry before applying a DEWY foundation on. Make sure your foundation isn't matte. This is a MUST. Make sure your foundation is a cream based foundation like the new Forever HD foundation stick- works wonders for me! It's like magic. Once you apply your foundation, use some of your spray on again and allow it to dry before applying powder (optional) or anything else such as mascara, blush etc.
I promise promise that your skin will look fresh, dewy, and clean if you follow these steps. You won't deal with the dry, patchiness look again.

The mist and fix spray is a setting spray that moisturizer your face intensely. You can even feel it hydrating your skin as soon as you spray it on- it smells great too, which is a plus. 

Be extremely cautious when applying powder if your skin is dry because powder, especially if it's matte, dries your skin out even more and gives it that chalky, cracked look.
Sprinkle a little translucent powder on top of your foundation if you want to set it or dust a little on! 
Have fun dolls- hope this helps!