Friday, September 27, 2013

Does he really like you?

Maria met a charming man in a bookstore who kept eyeing her and flashing his pearly whites.The man approached Maria and they exchanged numbers. This seems like a common scenario but a lot of women know that the situation usually does not remain this simple as men are just hard to read. Many women end up feeling concerned as to whether a man likes her or not. Men may be hard to read but there are plenty of ways you can tell if he is interested or if he's simply messing around and often times, he subconsciously gives signs away so pay attention! 

1. He touches you a lot 
This one is a giver, but if the man you're talking too just can't keep his hands off you then he's most likely into you! I don't mean touching in a disrespectful way or very obviously but little, subconscious touches such as a tap on the arm or sitting very close to you to point where your legs are kind of brushed against each other. It's psychologically proven that if a man is really interested in you then he'll always be sitting close to you and touch you in some way.

2. He'll find excuses to see you
How can the man sit close to you or tap your arm if he's not interested, right? If this man is REALLY interested in you then he'll definitely make time for you in his schedule. He'll try to see you before work or after work or whenever he can! Men can't stay away for too long without seeing the women they like so catch him whenever he says something like "what are you doing today?" This is another way of him asking if you're available and if it's okay for him to make further plans! 

3. The way he texts you
Texting is a very popular way of communicating! Lots of men really aren't texters like women are but he will most likely text you consistently if he's interested! If this man really likes you then he'll want to keep in touch with you and GET TO KNOW YOU MORE. He won't cut you off in the middle of a conversation and if he does, he'll reply back with something like "sorry I got caught up with work," or something along those lines. You have to keep in mind that if a man just stops completely then he isn't concerned about you or your feelings! He'll often ask about you through text and would want to keep the conversation going! Plus, if he's not a texter then he'll find another way to communicate such as calling you.

4. He's concerned about your daily activities
If a man really likes you then he'll try to keep up with your daily activities and your life only because he wants to be a part of it soon! He'll remember your job interview and call to ask how it was or ask if you need help moving into an apartment. Men do this because they want you to know they care and that they will be there in the long run.

5. He remembers little details 
If he likes you then he'll learn about your likes and dislikes and remember them! He wants to know what you're all about and what you're made of. He also wants to know if you guys have any similar interests or not. Men are forgetful so it's a big sign if he buys you your favorite flowers or remembers your favorite movie! 

6. He introduces you to his loved ones
This one is a big step and is going to take a while to reach but if a man likes you, he'll eventually introduce you to his close friends and family members.If he introduces you to his parents then he's most likely planning on keeping you around and is saying you are a staple in his life now. No man would introduce you to his family or friends if he plans on just messing around because it's simply not worth his time so lets hope he does! 

7. He compliments you
Some men are too shy when it comes to being straight forward and expressing their feelings so they'll just throw in a compliment such as "nice smile" or "I like your shirt" to show that he's interested and finds you attractive. Look for the words "beautiful," "cute," or "adorable." Words like these are tender and a sure way to tell he has the hots for you! Also, look out for pet names! The guy you like may throw in a pet name such as "pookie" out of nowhere; pet names is a way to tell he's interested and flirting.

All in all, these signs are great to keep in mind when it comes to determining whether a man likes you or not but not always as players know how to fake most signs! Follow your gut instinct and do not let a man run you over, know your worth.